About Bookin4u
Bookin4u is a great yet simple and secure way to book an appointment with your choice of Hair Salon, Dentist, Garage etc. The list of service providers who are using Bookin4u is continuously growing as more of them realise the low cost, simplicity and effectiveness of Bookin4u. We have used the latest technology to ensure that both clients and service providers enjoy a quick and easy means of managing their appointments – taking away the chances of missing your appointments and hence disappointments.
Booking couldn’t be easier. Bookings can be made and managed from any device, anytime anywhere. With a few clicks, both clients and service providers get email to inform them of the time and date of the appointment! What’s more, your appointment can be added to your personal or work calendar at the same time. This way, you get a reminder closer to the time of your appointment.
For a free trial and further information, please fill in the your details in the form below.
Alternatively, please email admin@bookin4ubns.azurewebsites.net and one of our sales representatives will reach out to you.